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If you have missing or severely damaged teeth, Advanced Family Dental & Orthodontics has a permanent solution for you: dental implants. This extraordinary innovation in dental technology renews your smile with beautiful, custom-made prosthetics that look and behave just like your natural teeth. Made from titanium, these devices are implanted directly into the gums in place of your missing teeth and fuse to the jawbone, giving you a beautiful smile that lasts a lifetime.

Our Services

Our patients love their dental implants for so many reasons. Not only are they effective and reliable as a permanent replacement for damaged teeth, but they boast a 98% success rate as well. By improving your bite with dental implants, you’ll even see vast improvements to your speech and chewing mechanisms. Here are just a few of the ways that this breakthrough in dental technology can be implemented to improve your smile:

Single Tooth Replacement

If you have a single decayed or damaged tooth, dental implants can help. We will first remove the damaged tooth and place a titanium screw into the gums in its place. Over time, this will gradually fuse to your jawbone—making the implant as strong and durable as your natural teeth. Then, we will place a custom-designed crown over the device so it can blend in with your smile. Once this process is complete, the dental implant will look and feel just like your surrounding teeth, and can be treated as such! To maintain your implant for your lifetime, simply practice a thorough dental hygiene routine and visit your dentist for routine check-ups.


The All-on-4 method is great for a number of reasons. For starters, this procedure allows you to replace a full set of teeth while still being minimally invasive—it only requires four dental implants! Secondly, because it requires only four implants, it is perfect for patients with decreased bone density or volume. The process for All-on-4 is relatively simple. We will place four titanium dental implants into the gums at an angle to give them extra stability. Then, we will secure a new or existing denture onto the screws immediately. After three or four months, when the procedure sites are healed completely, a brand new set of teeth will be permanently affixed to your implants. You will love these low-maintenance, sturdy devices!

Implant-Supported Bridges

If you have a bridge device to replace several missing front teeth, this implant procedure is right for you. Bridges are often supported by crowns on the adjacent teeth, which makes this device less effective and less aesthetically pleasing when used for your front teeth. However, when you support these particular bridges with dental implants, the results look and feel great!

Implant-Supported Dentures

You can secure your dentures using implant technology to make them fit securely—improving your quality of life. By using two dental implants to secure their lower dentures, for example, patients find they’re able to enjoy crunchy foods and smile with confidence again. Many of those who have decided to have this procedure to support their dentures wish they would have done it sooner!

If you’d like to restore your smile and improve your quality of life with dental implants, call Advanced Family Dental & Orthodontics today to set up your consultation.

We are located in the following locations:

  • Crest Hill
  • Frankfort
  • Lockport
  • Shorewood

Contact Us

Get in touch to request an appointment or ask a question, including inquiries about dental implants in Frankfort, IL. Our skilled and helpful office staff is here to help! For emergencies, or to cancel or reschedule an appointment, please call your local Advanced Family Dental & Orthodontics office.